Your Trust, Our Expertise

Professionally Chartered Accountant, Passionately an Investor and Networker.


1000s of Students

Mentored. Taught. Trained.

Mission & Vision

To Invest in Start-Ups with a vision to own shares in 500 Companies by 2030!

About Him

Professionally Chartered Accountant, Passionately an Investor and Networker

Investor | Financial Advisor | Tax & Business Consultant | Networker | Mentor | BizLeader

He loves to explore and fail! He thinks that failure is the biggest reason for growth and the more you fail the more you will taste success!

He has mentored a lot of aspiring students in the field of taxation, marketing, leadership and finance! He is known for his thought of ‘GIVING’. His ideology is giving. It is the toughest thing to do and receiving, the easiest!

If you are not earning while you are sleeping then you are definitely working till eternity! Do not work on making money, work on creating several sources of income which will never let you fall even if the markets turn upside down!

Inspired Many, Inspiring More!

Prateek Toshniwal strongly believes -
“One man can lead but thousand can collaborate ”
“Art of leadership is saying no, not yes!”
“Growth comes with positive mindset”
“Leader is the one who knows the way, goes the way and shows the way”

Lisa's Story

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